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Buy a Baobab of Reniala reserve

Madagascar and save lemurs in danger

Help us by becoming symbolically owner

of Baobab!

                   Lemurs are not pets or domesticated

We welcome and rehabilitate pet lemurs seized by the Malagasy authorities and help them readjust to the wild.

Adult lemurs are caught to be eaten and infants sold as pets or used as photo accessories for tourists. Kept in very precarious and inadequate conditions, once they become adults, they can quickly become aggressive. The owners are then encouraged to get rid of the adult animal, but unfortunately, they then look for another baby lemur.

Unable to feed or to live in a social group with other lemurs, the animal is doomed to certain death.

The Lemur Rescue Center cares for lemurs confiscated by the Malagasy government authorities. Our ultimate goal is to restore stable social groups and then reintroduce them to wild habitat, while providing follow-up monitoring. The rehabilitation includes 1) integration in a group with other lemurs, 2) recognition and consumption of natural forest foods, and 3) reacting appropriately to the threat of potential predators.

We also work with Malagasy youth and adults to try and bring awareness regarding the issues with the illegal pet trade in lemurs, and why lemurs should not be kept as pets.

We also work with youth awareness and population.

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